Автор : Seed / Дата : 22:40 17.09.2005г.
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вот официальное сообщение вокалиста Stepa Блейка Бекмана:

Since no one else did it, I'm going to. Stepa has disbanded and have formed new projects. Shane's going to school, Chaz is working, Brendan, Jessie and Mark are working and in a new band, and I myself have started a new project (but that's no secret.) I apologize that one of the guys in the band didn't come on and tell you this, but at least now you know. While I was in the picture playing for you guys and showing up to places you'd never been, to see faces you've never seen, singing your songs and wanting to hang out with you, was fucking amazing. I can't express how greatful I am to have been a part of something so awesome, even if we didn't make it to the top. Thank you for making it the happiest time in my life and an experience I look forward to sharing with you again. Thank you so much, good times, much love and respect, Blake
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